Essentially, begin with an intro much like we had with Andy and Lanae. Ask parents what they want out of the group, ground rules, intro yourselves, etc. Overview of the program and then talk about how love is the most important anchor in the program. Then move on to the skills portion of the day...
1. Children feel loved through play
a. Play is the language of children. Parents who don't know how to play likely grew up in a home without it, but today they are going to relearn it. It's accepting, nurturing, and loving for their kids to be played with.
2. Special Playtime
Step #1-The first activity and homework is to find time to play with your child. This is 15-20 min of uninterrupted time a day playing with your child and letting him set the activity and pace of the the play. Adjust to your situation. (Leaders need to validate parents' concerns for how this will take too much time and they'll be overwhelmed, etc. Problem solve to come up with solutions.)
Step #2-This is a time where the child is the leader. Don't criticize, ask questions, correct, or take control. You can gently correct if they start to be destructive, but mostly just listen. This is the first step to learning their language.
a. Leaders prepare a few skits which show all the wrong ways to play with a child and ask the class to identify them. 1) parent correcting play, 2) parent criticizes play, 3) parent always wins race with toy cars because of competition, 4) parent is constantly quizzing "What does a frog say?", "what color is this block?", etc.
Step #3-Join in your child's play as a supporter and enthusiast. Try not to ask questions, just describe what they're doing or seem to be feeling (like reflective listening). For example, "So you're rolling out the play dough into snakes, cool!", or "you're feeding your dolly just like a real baby, nice and gentle, look what a great mommy you are already!", etc. Just let your child revel in your rapt attention and enthusiasm. Think of yourself as a narrator or sports announcer, haha. Appreciate what your child CAN do.
a. Have someone volunteer to be the child and have the class come up with 5 ways to describe what they're doing and 3 ways to describe how they might be feeling. Keep practicing for a while, them break into smaller groups and try this.
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